

Do you know SOUL OBJECTS? I think everyone knows soul objects and has some favorite soul objects for his own. But do you know the store SOUL OBJECTS? If you don't it is time to check it out. SOUL OBJECTS is a great store in the heart of Berlin, Germany. In short: you get there vintage & antique furniture, curious beard grooming products and barbershop supplies,  non-standard accessories,  a lot of handmade, unique stuff & bags, vintage rum & whiskey, gin, wine, art and, and, and so on. It is a must to check their site to learn more about this great store and its owners Kornelius & Oliver, men full of soul – they live what they sell. Look at the wonderful store photos full of soul below ... awesome. Anyway, some weeks ago i ordered a new fragrance and another gin for my collection. Best choice! The Bois 1920 DOLCE DI GIORNO - Eau de Parfum is really something special. It would be too much to describe the smell and the idea behind this fragrance – and something more special: i got a limited art collection piece with a nice package design. DOL GIN is a direct hit for my gin collection. Great taste, not to fruity but so smooth. It is made in South Tirol, Italy. This is what the distiller says about his gin: “Florian Rabanser,  the master distiller at Plunhof,  is not only a perfectionist when it comes to the distillation of classic brandies and grappas,  but he is also overflowing with creativity and impetus when it comes to the implementation of new ideas. Two years of developmental work have brought us the first gin distilled in the region,  the first distilled only from herbs and ingredients grown here in the Dolomites. Together with the village apothecary,  we have meticulously analyzed which herbs typically used in the production of gin grow here in the Dolomites,  and which can be reasonably substituted with other local herbs. The high quality outcome is a real insiders’ tip and contains numerous plants and herbs,  which grow wildly here in the area of Mount Sciliar. Only the indispensable lemon zest is brought in from Lake Garda. We must wait another 20 years until we can grow our own lemons here in Siusi allo Sciliar.” Interested? Yes. Have a nice weekend SoulSisters and SoulBrothers – enjoy! pics | Bois 1920 & Dol Gin LTG || picsstore | Soul Objects

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