

Maybe you say, “Oh no, just another wooden iPhone case” ... No, the products from WOODCESSOIRES are much nicer and more “nature touched” than all the wooden stuff i saw before for Iphone and Co: by watching at and touching. Especially the iPad ECOSTAND is an awesome, easy done wooden block which works best. Always a pleasure to put the iPad in it. That's about the wood they guys @ WOODCESSOIRES use: “After all it’s the nature of our HARDWOOD that creates the beauty. It’s also why we love our profession. It is the base to our daily work. The way it dries and changes with the seasons  how it reacts to tools and traditional finishing is MATCHLESS. Combined with our yearlong experience it turns to something AMAZING. We mainly work with SHIPWOOD wood that is older than our grandparents wood that has seen many seas and from which every piece knows to tell his very OWN HISTORY.” All stuff is handcrafted and made in germany. Also the prices are great. Check their site: www.woodcessories.com . The WOODCESSOIRES range offers stuff for all actual iPhones and iPads. pics | lifetimegear

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