

there is a new clothing label, and i do not want to write down its name again, because i do not want to do marketing for a label which tries to get attention at any price with bad taste pics. i really wonder that nobody of the enthusiastic readers of this german men magazine showed any reaction reffering to this ad: an execution commando at work. i think because of the label name the pic is from the SPANISH CIVIL WAR. international brigades fought against FRANCO and the fascism federations supported by a.h. & mussolini. the ad was done by the editor of this men magazine and owner of the label. okay ... what wants the maker of the ad say to me? „männer brauchen ideale” – “men do need ideals”. ahm, well, ...? sorry, maybe i am too stupid, but i do not understand. okay, fighting against fascism is always a good thing. is this the quintessence of the headline corresponding to the picture? still bad taste. for me it is not correct to do marketing for a fashion label in this way. not political – absolutely in need of an explanation. and beside, the motive is terrible. think about the family of this man waiting to be killed in a moment. what will be the next motive? i can't write what i am thinking about this. isn't there any sensitiveness today? i'am really disappointed about all the readers who just accept such a f***ing shit without any comment. this is not heritage, vintage, cool or something like that. blame on you! ...


KNTR said...

one should also question the motives of the editor of said magazine, publishing and taking money for such a taste less add.

Unknown said...

Hey Eric, es ist eigentlich fast nicht mehr zum aushalten, diese Versammlung von Blinden und Idioten in dieser sogenannten Fashion Branche. Aber "Herr" van Afferden schreckt eh vor nichts zurück, um seine Klamotten an den Mann zu bekommen; sexistische Fotos auf seinem alten Blog (den Blog gibt es jetzt nicht mehr!) und jetzt diese Art von Werbung....das Ganze spiegelt Afferdens Ideale wieder. Hiermit distanziere ich mich von diesen Idealen und seinem "Herrenkultur-" Magazin.
Grüße aus Berlin.

Anonymous said...

Discussion continues here: https://www.facebook.com/theheritagepost/posts/734996259844620

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100 percent. Really bad taste, really no necessity of such a terrible moments... from Spain

Unknown said...

Den Blog gibt es weiterhin. Man muss nur etwas aufmerksam hinsehen. Ich bin wohl kein richtiger "Herr". Und ab jetzt ist der Zeitpunkt gekommen, ab welchem ich des Herrn Afferdens Magazin nicht mehr kaufen werde. Zum Kotzen.