

OLI BREMERICH is what BONIFATIUS was for the catholics: a missionary. something like a missionary for all those guys in the sticks around ILLINGEN, SAARLAND, germany, who do not know what good denim and boots mean. ILLINGEN? where the f*** is ILLINGEN? okay, found it on the map: it is a small village 20 km in the north of SAARBRUECKEN just a spy away from the french border in the west of germany. it is really small with around 16.800 people who live there. and one of them is OLI. he runs the shop i do not know, but i think in third generation. the store was founded in 1934! BREMERICH JEANS sells japanese denim, american workwear, heavy boots and all the other stuff we like. in ILLINGEN?, you may ask – yes indeed, and it works! so it will get exciting visiting his 8TH “MAENNERABEND” tonight. a lot of clients and friends were invited and the guys from EAT DUST, PASSIONFRANCE®, RED WING SHOES, THE ONE GOODS and ME. my copywriter PETER will join the event too. i think it will be a relaxed evening with good talks, drinks and typical “MAENNERABEND” food. more to post the next days. the EAT DUST STUFF for today came on time with a special personal deliviery some days ago; check the video below. vid | BREMERICH JEANS || pics | LTG


Life is Beautiful said...

I am currently using jeans of Full Count brand. It is comfortable and stylish

SEO said...

nice http://www.life-time-gear.com/2013/11/today-is-maennerabend-bremerich-jeans.html