

yes, yes, yes – this is it! i love the #101 – the POSTMAN. my first pair was a present from KLAUS c/o VOLLS.DE. i know this post is something special for shoe nerds ... but sorry, this is a RED WING SHOE for real RED WING LOVERS and not for fashion pussies! and the best: the customized #101 means for me one step further. hm, what do you think? would you prefer the one with the original cushion sole or the customized #101 one with the nitrile black cork sole, you may know f.ex. from RED WING'S black IRON RANGER #8114? i love the #101 look with this heel construction. it reminds me a classic U.S. navy officer shoe. but i like both and i won't give one of them away because for me they are different shoes. KAMI c/o RED WING SHOE STORE FRANKFURT/GERMANY made the customized #101 for me. i can't remember if the first miles with the original #101 hurt so much as they do with the customized one. damn. everyday i wear them just a few hours indoor and i am happy to get them off. but ... it's okay. the day will come when they got broken – this shoe is worth the trouble! pics | LTG

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