

it would be a lie if i would say that i am not a bit proud of being co author of photobook DARMSTADT II DER ANDERE BLICK. as the title tells you this is the second DARMSTADT book of photographer CHRISTIAN GRAU and pilot ANDRÉ RISTO. all pics show DARMSTADT my hometown city from the view of a plane. and believe me this is great: it is as the german booktitle says THE OTHER VIEW. and the guys are really crazy, because sometimes they went down less than 300m to get the best view for the perfect shot. a flying altitude that is absolutely forbidden over cities ... okay. yesterday evening there was a vernissage for an exhibition at the biggest bank in DARMSTADT where both show some highlights of the new book and i got my first copy because of writing some lines beside my most beloved pic: HERRENGARTEN, DARMSTADT'S central park ... every author should write something about DARMSTADT. i did a comparision between FULDA, the city i was born, the city i still feel at home too because of my parents and my brother and his family, friends and a lot of memories from the past and DARMSTADT, the city i live meanwhile since 1988, damn, for 26 years. a lot of people told me that they like the comparision because you have to think a bit before understanding what is meant. and so i am really angry about the guy who did the english translation - he did not understand what i was writing. blockhead, this was the last time, i give something i wrote without an approval to print. the resume: FULDA | DARMSTADT ... it is like it is: HOME! pics | LTG 

sorry, but this is written bullshit: this translation has absolutely nothing to do with the lines i wrote in german ... 
 Georg Sellner CEO of Sparkasse Darmstadt and Christian Grau
 Christian explaining how it works ...
 André explaining what's about flying 

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