

long time no post: too much to work ... heavy days just 2 weeks before i will go to spain for a 14 days holiday with the family. i have a lot of jobs to finish before.

when cooking last evening i remembered my grandma MARIA because of using this spoon below. my grandma died years ago and i told my mother that the only thing i MUST have is this wonderful spoon i used from childhood on. it reminds me the great time with my grandma who was the best you can imagine. i always loved to stay there. i don't know why, but i know exactly that as a little boy i was already fascinated by these 2 letters: US, and i knew that this spoon was ripped, however, from the BLACK HORSE REGIMENT that was garrisoned at FULDA after WWII. when i stayed at my grandma i saw the GIs passing the house where she lived for decades when they did their morning runs, singing and shouting. i will never forget this. and sorry, i miss the army in FULDA and DARMSTADT. it was a little piece of the USA here in germany. pics | LTG

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