

Yesterday I joined the summer party of B74 and LEICA Galerie in Frankfurt Main, Germany. It was such a nice party while the temperatures run up to 40°C / 104°F and more. On hour way home the instruments in the car showed  40.5°C outside ... damn hot for a middle European. But the party was really cool, because KAMI owner and founder of B74 SELECTED GOODS, his team and the guys from LEICA did a really good job when they organized this event. Wonderful finger food corresponding to the hot summer weather, best service – i can't remember me a minute without an ice cold water or lemon in my hand. I am a bit said that i could not meet the special guest Rainer W. Schlegelmilch. When I had to leave in the afternoon he still wasn't there. Schlegelmilch is one of the most famous Formula 1 Photographers in the world. In the rooms of B74 there was an exhibition with examples of  Schlegelmilchs great work. I had the great pleasure to work with him in a project for a common client years ago. We did a Formula 1 calender. Yesterday you have had the chance to buy his book and to get a signature by the master himself. But no master, no book.  Although the weather was so damn hot a lot of people came and amazingly all people where in a good mood while sweating to the bones ... pics | LTG

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