

Yesterday i got a nice looking envelop with my daily post. Love this: a real hand written message brought by my postman to the letterbox. It was from JOERN POLLEX, well known as a great photographer located in Hamburg, Germany. He send me the new lookbook from FEINSCHMUCK which he photographed and did the layout – in short: a fantastic work. As a frequently reader of LTG blog you know that I am a great fan of FEINSCHMUCK from the first hour on. And now with this very well done lookbook all the work from MANFRED, MARIA and ALEX is packed into a perfect media to hand out and to look at. JOERN did everything right to arrange the best mood and feeling corresponding to the FEINSCHMUCK stuff. You can watch the whole lookbook with this link FEINSCHMUCK LOOKBOOK. It is a pdf including all sites. I wanted to show you real pics not just the pdf and so i did just some example shots of sites which i liked most. Again: great job JOERN. pics | LTG

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